2 min readNov 5, 2020

Note to the team after the election night, 2020.


Hope you are all well and coping with the election day morning-after.

Take a deep breath.

Regardless of which way we feel about the election,

The people of our nation, America, have come out in droves, in a participation that has not been seen in a century.

This is democracy in action. As the founding fathers envisioned. It is heart-warming to see the resilience and determination of both sides of the conversation.

In the long winding road towards liberty, equality and freedom; this is but another chapter. The road near always looks jarring and no matter which way the decision goes, These are but minor bumps in a long journey!

If it feels dark now, remember that there is light.

Our human spirit endures.

We have come a long way from the pre-galilean dark ages.

The nation and democratic world have seen turbulent times, grown, then found peace and progress. Time is the healer. embrace with empathy, what we have more in common.

And the journey for a more perfect union and tranquility is long.

Let’s create a surplus of value and of openness — so sharing and caring becomes easier. We would need to continue to democratize ai and through it access to education, health and credit.

Strike that balance between the individual and the universal.

Let’s stay purple -

Purple so deep we can see red.

Purple so deep we can see blue — Anjali

Let’s heal and make beautiful caring communities.

Our small but deep H2O community is a force for improving the world and bringing meaningful change. More now than ever will we need to build bridges in the states that differ from our point of view.

I wrote this note to remind ourselves that — Our community starts with YOU, the makers first. Your wholesome well-being is prime. Our people are our gold.

Take a deep breath, absorb the impact, and be calm. And focus on your well being, your health and your families.

Keep calm and stay purple! and humor our way through the flu, covid and election season! we shall overcome. … and make our community beautiful and fertile with ideas, richness and intelligence.

thank you -

this will be fun, Sri