2 min readNov 10, 2016

Did not have the heart to say it @here (team slack #general) last night but the USD currency and markets are back-stopped by one the most hardworking, law-abiding (relatively speaking :) and innovative populations (& industries), not to say the largest / strongest army behind it’s policy. So i don’t expect the world’s currency / bourse to really be pressured — Even if asian & european markets react wildly to a presidential change. For those who are in a bit of shock — brexit was the clue. my last few years of uber, sharing and speaking with strangers and hearing how left-behind and divided we have become as a community. disconnect between the analog and the digital. ad infused curated news can create echo chambers. value delinking from physical to virtual needs adaptation. things with mass need more time to move than pure bits. The 99% has nowhere to go, where then will they call their home? becoming uber drivers. this scene from matrix is fast replicating in every tech valley in rest of the world. civil war and a broken home with no empathy..

It’s a new regime — One that demands a more socially aware approach to work. One that open source has believed long in. Building communities and voices has never been more democratized, if anything this election is an example of face time over ad tech. Like the billboard over clickstream. I think silicon valley tech and H2O should really consider spending one day every two weeks on a civic (data) project. Doesn’t have to be data — volunteering at local high school in a poor neighborhood. Pledge for projects to unlock human potential. Mentor a budding girl scientist or woman entrepreneur. Or adopt a school in the neighborhood of one of our customers. Especially if they are in a state that did not vote your way.

If time is expensive to give (which it is most of the time), we should consider fundraising for them. I’ll also propose a dollar for dollar matching up to 1% of customer sales to our Board. Civic responsibility cannot be postponed for later or forgotten in the rush of daily life. Governments are only guiding principles. An individual today is more powerful than a king in the medieval times and can participate more, do more. We are a product of the society we live in. Work should be a means of spreading happiness beyond just paying the tax man. We are all emergent properties of the communities we build and participate in. And should take a holistic view of how to help the left-behind communities in the tech and coming AI revolution. Disruption is transformative. embrace it.

this will be fun, Sri